Indonesian Undergraduate Scholarship The Best For Student In Indonesia


Indonesian Undergraduate Scholarship from President University

President University offers a variety of undergraduate scholarships in recognition of outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities and special talents.

The President University Scholarship is an undergraduate undergraduate student scholarship (partial or full scholarship for tuition fees), provided to identify and support outstanding Indonesian citizen students who demonstrate academic excellence, high intellectual capacity, strong character, and strong leadership potential.

This academic scholarship is a program specifically designed to enable President University students to graduate on time (3 years 4 months).

Economics Scholarship from Pertamina University

Scholarships from Pertamina University aimed at new students at the university. Prospective students who wish to register must have graduated from high school or the equivalent and this scholarship covers a study period of 8 semesters. Registration is also very easy, that is, all you need to do is prepare the supporting documents as well as registration documents and just send them all via email. For more information, you can directly visit the page of the Pertamina University website.

Swiss German University Scholarships

For those who have completed high school or the equivalent, they can consider entering one of the good private universities in Indonesia, namely the Swiss German University. There is a best grade scholarship, which is a scholarship given by SGU to students who have high academic achievements in each semester. Students can get a discount each semester starting from 25%, which can be started from semester 2 and must have a minimum GPA of 3.5. There are also scholarships that are up to 100%, which are given to students who have excellence in the academic element but have barriers to fees and semester fees. Of course there are terms and conditions of this scholarship that must be met. There is also a scholarship called a sibling benefit scholarship which will usually be given to students who have siblings who are currently studying at SGU. And this discount can reach 50% for 4 years (8 semesters), namely with the graduation requirements that have been met.

Terlkom Scholarship from Telkom University

Telkom University provides a scholarship program which is directly shown for new students who will continue their undergraduate studies at Telkom University. For more information, please visit the website of Telkom University.


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